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Welcome to the
Warren Public Library Value Calculator

See how much you save each month by using Warren Public Library.

  • On the left, enter the number of times per month you use each service.
  • The estimated retail value of each service will be calculated on the right.
  • Total value of your library use is shown at the bottom of the worksheet.
  • Tip: Tab between entries and do not use commas.
Value of Library Services

Input Your

Library Services Value of
Hours of Computer/Internet Use in the Library
Number of Times Wireless Internet Used
Reference Questions Asked
Items Borrowed from Another Library
Museum Passes Borrowed

Warren Public Library is a great value!
The Value of Services was estimated in the following way:

  • Books, Music CDs & Audiobooks Borrowed, as well as Magazines Read:
    the average cost to purchase these items in hard copy or electronic formats
  • Movies Borrowed: the average cost of a movie rental in the area
  • Online Resources Used: the average cost for access to online databases
  • Programs Attended: the average cost of adult and children's programs
  • Computer & Wireless Internet Use: the average charge at retail businesses
  • Items Borrowed from another Library: the average cost of an interlibrary loan
  • Museum Passes: the average cost of museum admission in SE Michigan
Thanks to the Troy Public Library for the use of their code for this calculator!